Tag Archives: father

Aimee & Co…


A few shots from the family portrait session last weekend. What a gorgeous family! Thank you very much, Aimee and co.



And then the tide came in…


And the winner is…


A huge thank you to all those who recently bought raffle tickets and supported the Restoring Nepal fundraiser organised by the Restoring Nepal Fremantle community collective. The prize was a fantastic mama baba bundle that raised $600! 100% of the funds are going to the Gyuto Monks to distribute directly to families in local villages across Nepal. Congratulations to Megan Shaw who won first prize and to Allie Blunsden who gifted her second prize win of a new family photo shoot with me, to Vitalis, Ameigh and Mara.

Shot earlier in the week under a brooding sky, here are some of my favourite moments of this lovely new family. Thanks and love!

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So far, the Restoring Nepal Fremantle community collective has generated over $30,000 for Oxfam to deliver Major Emergency Appeal Relief kits, providing families with tents, life-saving water kits, emergency hygiene kits and temporary toilets to avoid the spread of disease and provide dignity to people who have lost almost everything. Alongside this, there is an ongoing crowdfunding campaign for anyone that wants to contribute to restoring Nepal.

~ Crowd Funding ~ ongoing



A quiet moment with new father Vitalis, holding daughter Mara at yesterday’s shoot.


The family portrait session…


A few shots from the family portrait session I did recently for the lovely Spiteri-Case family. Thank you so much. I feel honoured and blessed!







Wireless Hill Park, WA

