3HO Summer Solstice


A journey to 7000 ft above sea level in the back of a van; Santa Fe to Guru Ram Das Puri in the Jemez mountains.

At Camp; 9 days in the New Mexico desert…

The Playground of Being


Sometimes things align in such a way as to present something unique and utterly wonderful.

In this case, I honour a significant chance encounter and the subsequent silvery threads, glistening with synchronicities, that bond us. Strong new connections actively weave their way into the complex universal tapestry, as other threads fade and fall away. A time of growth and expansion, but also listening, sensitivity and awareness. Courage and truth. As internal dimensions merge with the external world, so too, I enter the playground of being…

At dawn, I find myself on a 6 hour walk through Jarrahdale National Park with 3 women healers. The energy is electric, welcoming, supportive, connected, gentle and strong. There is magic in the air as mercurial leaves shake to acknowledge our presence, falling still as we enter. Here lie the markings of time and creation; the perfection and magic that is synchronicity. Nature and natural law.

_mg_0080_mg_0102_mg_0083Kitty’s Gorge Trail in Jarrahdale National Park, Western Australia



-In complicated times of war and primal fears, it is essential to speak about the magic in our lives. The world of the arts has to lead the way in the direction of the light.-

I’m excited to be kicking off 2017 as one of 6 international photographers commissioned to explore the idea of Synchronicity. We come from South America, Germany, Greece, France and Australia and will be in dialogue together over a 6 month period.

Personally I am undergoing a sort of awakening, so my first offering is about opening eyes; the third eye, the eyes of the heart, the eyes of the body, presence…



Sunset playground. An old, disused golf course on the outskirts of town.

Surprise roller derby inside the Palace Theatre.


Earth scar. The Super Pit.


Balancing Act. Niagara Dam.

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Walkabout. Karlkurla Bushland Park.


Nature spirit.

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Margaret River


Grandpappy popped over from New Zealand recently, so we trundled down to Margaret River into Heart-leaf Flame Pea country, south-western Australia. Home of ancient Karri forests, limestone caverns and an impressive granite coastline. Grandpappy even wore shoes instead of jandals for the occasion.

The Pinnacles


A little day trip to the Pinnacles, Western Australia.


Anjel Ms Summer Men


Ooh la la… The Menswear Range by Anjel Ms! Another prominent Fremantle Doctor day overlooking the glorious Indian Ocean, complete with fake marriage and cameo by designer Cordelia Gibbs. A lovely job with lovely people. Thank you all! _MG_6833_MG_7044_MG_7057_MG_6903_MG_6871_MG_6959




Anjel Ms Summer Ladies


Just before Christmas I had the privilege of photographing the latest Anjel Ms Women’s Collection. Twas a windy old day managed with great attitudes by the wonderful women involved; a plethora of eclectic mothers, daughters, sisters. All garbed in this season’s crisp whites and various shades of blue with a splash of pink thrown in for good measure, I thoroughly loved the day. Thanks again Anjel Ms and crew!_MG_6326s_MG_6545_MG_6549_MG_6509



Aimee & Co…


A few shots from the family portrait session last weekend. What a gorgeous family! Thank you very much, Aimee and co.



And then the tide came in…


Sneak Peak…


A sneak peak from the new women’s collection by Anjel Ms, featuring mother and daughter, Wajipha and Mili._MG_6484



Location scouting…


Location scouting for tomorrow’s shoot with Gaelle Beech, owner and director of Fremantle based fashion label, Angel Ms. Thank you for being my model!


Maria, Mason and Joanne


A recent family commission down at the river…
